Ingredients – Primary
- 12 lbs Orange Blossom Honey
- 15 lbs Plums, sliced, pitted, with skins
- D47 Yeast
- Water to fill up to 5 gallons
- Yeast Nutrients
Plums happened to be in season, and it had been awhile since I had last had any. I figured it might be fun to try making a plum mead.

The process began with washing off the fruit, and removing all their stickers. Plums have pits, so I cut them in half, removed those, and then sliced the remaining fruit into thin strips. If you have a large mesh bag, consider using that to contain the fruit when you place it in your mead, as that will save you a ton of time when racking later.

I was not expecting quite the vibrant red of the result, however, given the dark purple of the fruit’s skins that went into it. This is a brighter red than even the cherry or strawberry meads I had previously made.
The result had a nice tartness to it. Definitely an interesting flavor you don’t find quite as often as the more common fruits.